Scientific publications

Scientific publications

EuroDisplay Conference 2022

Following its Kick Off Meeting in Stuttgart, the BAMBAM consortium participated to the EuroDisplay conference where Hugues Lebrun (Aledia) presented the project. A paper was produced by the Consortium in response to a Call for Paper organised by the Conference organizers.

Eurodisplay-BAMBAM-20220728 (4)

eurodisplay conference

Eurodisplay took place in Stuttgart from September 21st to Sep. 23rd 2022.
[Photo: Julian Herzog under CC BY 4.0 license]

IDW Conference 2023

Emmanuel Fuchs presented the BAMBAM results at the IDW23 conference. You can find the associated paper below.

IDW23_BAMBAM_V10_CameraReadyManuscrit (1)

Emmanuel Fuchs presenting BAMBAM at the IDW23 conference

International Display Workshop 2023 (Niigata, Japan)

QustomDot presented their results about InP-based Quantum Dot (QD) Solutions for Color Conversion in MicroLED Applications. They notably presented the results of their collaboration with XTPL on the patterning of QD resin  through
Ultra-Precise Dispensing (UPD) printing. For more information, please read the paper at the following link:



Electronic Displays conference 2024 (Nuremberg, Germany)

Kai Waldner,  University of Stuttgart, was at the Electronic Displays Conference in Nuremberg to present his findings on using UPD, the XTPL technology, to print interconnects. This promising innovation could eliminate the need for a TFT backplane in microLED displays. Interested: check out the paper!


Kai Waldner presenting at the Electronic Displays conference 24